
What is THCX? And Is This Trendy Cannabinoid Worth It?

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If you are exploring the world of hemp and cannabis and you keep hearing about something called THCX but are super confused about what it is, then you aren't alone. The information about this particular cannabinoid is still murky.

This is such a new cannabinoid that even cannabis experts and scientists don't know much about it. Supposedly, it was just discovered or created recently. However, information about THCX is so scarce that it seems nonexistent.

Although there is not much information available about THCX, it is safe to say it is, indeed, real. Therefore, today we're going to provide you with all of the information about the THCX cannabinoid we have at our disposal, which admittedly is quite limited. So, what is THCX?

Key Takeaways

  • THCX is a combination of three esters of Delta-8 THC.
  • It is thought to produce a very cerebral and euphoric high.
  • THCX, according to the law, should be legal at this time.

What is the THCX Cannabinoid?

From what we have been able to gather, THCX is a very special mixture of three completely new cannabinoids that were just discovered and are still patent-pending. Technically speaking, these are ester forms of Delta-8 THC. The three esters are isovaleric, butyric, and acetoacetic.

For those who aren't chemists and biologists, these are simply subtypes of Delta-8 THC. These esters of Delta-8 THC have four carbon chains within their molecules, which makes them complex. Although it has not been confirmed, this leads to the assumption that this particular cannabinoid has a strong euphoric effect and is also fast-acting.

How Does THCX Make You Feel?

How THCX makes you feel is strictly anecdotal and speculative at this point. However, it is safe to assume that it should make you feel like regular Delta-8 THC does.

That said, it may act a lot faster than other cannabinoids, therefore making you feel high much faster than regular THC.

Furthermore, this cannabinoid may also produce a cerebral high characterized by euphoria and happiness. It may very well also produce a body-high, although the head-high is seemingly the main effect.

Does THCX Get You High?

Yes, THCX should get you high. It's a cannabinoid related to Delta-8 THC, with Delta-8 THC being about 50% as potent as regular Delta-9 THC. Therefore, if THCX is a combination of three esters of Delta-8 THC, it is safe to assume that it will get you high.

How Strong is THCX?

THCX is a combination of three Delta-8 THC esters, and because Delta-8 THC is about 50% as potent as Delta-9 THC, it is safe to assume that THCX is somewhere in between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC in terms of potency.

What are the Potential Benefits of THCX?

Although the potential benefits of THCX haven't been explored, THCX may have similar benefits as Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC.

These may include the potential to relieve anxiety and stress, depression, nausea, stimulate appetite, combat pain and inflammation, act as a sleep aid, and more.

This does require more research, but the vast majority of THC forms and types have similar benefits, so it's safe to assume that THCX is not much different.

What are the Potential Side Effects of THCX?

The potential side effects of THCX may include, but are not limited to, headaches, nausea, anxiety, paranoia, diarrhea, upset stomach, red eyes, dry mouth, and tiredness. More research is required on this front, though.

Can You Smoke THCX?

Yes, THCX can be smoked when infused into flower.

Can You Eat THCX?

THCX can certainly be consumed orally.


Many people ask what the difference is between THCX and regular THC. Although we could go on about the differences in terms of the molecules and those carbon side chains, this doesn't tell you much on the user end of things.

Frankly, there just hasn't been enough research done into THCX to make any solid conclusions as to what exactly makes it different from regular THC in terms of its effects, benefits, side effects, and more.

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, any hemp-derived cannabinoid that contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC is legal at the federal level.

Pros and cons of THCX

Pros of THCX:

  • Potential Medical Benefits: THCX may have potential therapeutic properties, including appetite suppression and potential neuroprotective effects.
  • Varied Effects: THCX may produce different effects compared to THC, such as potentially less intense psychoactivity.
  • Research Potential: As a less-studied cannabinoid, THCX may offer opportunities for further research and the discovery of its potential benefits.

Cons of THCX:

  • Limited Research: There is relatively limited scientific research on THCX compared to more well-known cannabinoids, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about its effects and safety.
  • Legal Status: The legal status of THCX may vary by region and country, so it's important to be aware of local laws and regulations.
  • Potential Side Effects: Like other cannabinoids, THCX may have side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, and impaired cognitive function, although the specific effects may differ from THC.
  • Lack of Regulation: Due to limited knowledge and research, products containing THCX may not be regulated or standardized, leading to potential quality and safety concerns.

Final Takeaway

The bottom line here is that THCX is such a new and mysterious cannabinoid that there just isn't much information available about it.

However, THCX products do seem to be popping up on the market. As more research is performed on this super-elusive substance, we will surely keep you updated.

Where to Buy Alternative Cannabinoids Online

If you are looking to buy some cannabinoids online, then right here at Botany Farms is a great place to start. We have some awesome products, with this Delta-8 THC Sugar Queen Pre-Roll being a favorite among many.

If you’d rather go the edible route, then our own Botany Farms Delta-9 Blue Raspberry Microdose Gummies might be better for you. This Live Resin Delta-8 Tincture is definitely worth checking out as well.

What is THCX: FAQs

What is THCX, and how does it differ from THC?

THCX is a cannabinoid in cannabis. It differs from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in terms of its chemical structure and potential effects. While THC is known for its psychoactive properties, THCX may produce different effects, potentially with less intense psychoactivity.

Are there any potential medical benefits associated with THCX?

THCX may have potential therapeutic properties, such as appetite suppression and potential neuroprotective effects. However, more research is needed to fully understand its medical potential, and the specific benefits may vary from person to person.

Is THCX legal in all regions?

The legal status of THCX may vary by region and country. It's essential to be aware of local laws and regulations regarding the use and possession of THCX or any other cannabis-derived compound.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with THCX use?

Like other cannabinoids, THCX may have potential side effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and impaired cognitive function. The specific side effects may differ from THC. Due to the limited research on THCX, approach its use with caution.

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